Railway construction

We support and advise clients as experts in the area of railway engineering.

SBB Herdern Zürich (CH): Erweiterung der Serviceanlage, Stabstelle GPL Bahnanlagen
Planification and installation of a new railway line, general management of the project.

Fields of Work

  • Buildings and structures related to the operational railway infrastructure


  • Infrastructural state analysis, renovation planning and concepts
  • Infractructure provisioning concepts
  • General and project planning, construction management
  • Submissions, bidding assessment, contracting

Owing to a steady change in society and increasing mobility needs, reliable and well-maintained infrastructure has become indispensable. We assist our clients with their on-going restructuring and expansion projects and with their efforts to stimulate regional transportation on rails.

Furthermore, we are involved in construction site safety audits for structures in and around the railway environment. In addition, we conduct concept and infrastructure studies in the areas of transport and logistics federal, regional, communal and private levels.

Neubau, Ausführung und Inbetriebnahme
construction, execution, and commissioning
Umbau Bahnanlagen, Unterstützung des Gesamtprojektleiters, Bauleitung
Conversion of Railway installations, site management